Special kids needs special attention, since the inception of the ECD-Programme IYAP has been lucky to attract local and international visitors, this is a blessings and a symbol of care and love according to most of the AFRICAN culture, dispite the great nutritional support from GRACE AFRICA the two volunteers from GERMANY one Rudolf Steiner institute Kassel , decided to put a smile on the face of this little kids by taking responsibility and stage a series of presentation about the school with the aim of mobilizing resources(funds) to add an extra step in supporting the purchase of the fruits for this little angels to grow healthy and take a lead in future, the fruits being enriched with many important vitamins, is indispensable for anumber of vital activities within the children’s body,beside being loved for their delightful tase. So this assistance will assures theres crutial growth and good development, again as an organization that is very sensitive on the health issues, the fruit provides vitamin A and B5 which not only help our bone and teeth grow strong but also stimulates immune system.. this is mostly found in oranges/water melons amongst other fruits, also banana for vitamin B1 which converse carbohydrates into energy and B3 for smooth growing and operation of digestive and nervous system, and healthy skin for children.
For this and more reasons IYAP want to acknowledge the organizers Magdalena Pfirrmann and Almut Slezak for this noble course with the school video set from Christian Slezak,also Klaus Ulex,Marcus stettner and many other citizens who joined their hands in support of this school.
May u live to achieve all your desired dreams....... feel loved.
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