Sunday, November 13, 2011


it's soo amazing that now the world has become a global village with this high technology and some of the story shared are so familiar. am also working with a Youth organization called IYAP in Kenya in a muslim dominated area working with alot of issue pertaining HIV and AIDS, some times the issues that an HIV person goes through can even affect you as a service provider/counselor or person concerned. anyway let bring the sense to the world that the years of stigma and discrimination is long gone bearing in mind that every one is HIV positive until Tested and proved otherwise! also the world should know that getting HIV don't need anyone's application and has nothing to do with immorality and promiscuity. thanks from Isiolo Kenya, lets fight HIV and NOT the people living with HIV.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

AMREF Maanisha, REALY Means!

As usual IYAP- HCT PROVIDERS found them self in the middle of isiolo stadium carrying out the usual DAY LIGHT and MOON LIGHT services which was organised and facilitated by IYAP . The activities were carried out as per our work plan with AMREF (MAANISHA) fund which was clearly targeting COMMERCIAL SEX WORKERS, LONG TRUCK DRIVERS,BAR MAIDS and MIRAA DWELLERS. As IYAP counsellors went on with HIV counselling and testing others decided to take responsibility and made mobilization by entertaining the crowd and also feeding them with vital information on HIV and AIDS.
The session was well despite some usual ups and downs e.g disturbance from, street children making alot of noise while the session goes on,drunkards who demands to be tested under influence, strong winds that almost carry away our small testing tents.

IYAP wants to acknowledge the support from maanisha which has been one of the leading and credible organizations in bringing the real change to this community..
The number of client seen and attended to were convincing hence declared the activity productive. Bravo! Maanisha bravo IYAP!


It is estimated that 100% of the land in the pastoral region of Kenya falls into the low production potential category with low population density. Coupled with this is climatic condition that is highly limiting on agricultural productions. Diseases and poor health conditions are prominent features of this region that is also regarded as to factors challenging IYAPs effort in reducing relief relience by the local communities living in Isiolo, indeed, there is HIV/AIDS prevalence among the pastoral communities and AIDS is one of the leading cause of death in the area.
Furthermore, caught in the endless food insecurity and poverty the entire population of Isiolo district is vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. The families in the district are in poor health conditions and HIV/AIDS prevalence among the population is estimated at around 11% of the population. Who are HIV/AIDS clients? IYAP is trying to come up with some options for the school caregivers through a kitchen garden projects for the small farmer who have some portions of land along the river banks while others rent little lands on degraded soils, the pastoralist were neglected for many years,the urban poor lives with few livelihood options and opportunities.this projects which was pioneered by GRACE AFRICA was of great assistance for them before the drougt strikes the region, Also they are women who disproportionately produce food on substance level and the children for whom HIV/AIDS and hunger means lasting and permanent physical and cognitive damages.
the picture show the community practicing farming at IYAP ECD gardens before all their crops perished by the sudden drought.
IYAP is looking for the way forward to a longing solution.