Living in peace and harmony is what all human beings want in life, inluding you and me...
Isiolo being one of the places recently affected by violence is slowly sinking without getting any attention from the Government of Kenya.
IYAP recently conducted a peace meeting inclusive of women and youths. We believe these are the most directly affected group. There is alot of hatred caused by fighting over the resources among the communities living in isiolo. What goods are we inheriting from our parents? Completely nothing but hatred.
What is the perception of the community when all the killings and other impunities is taking place right at the big eyes of the goverment which according to the locals, it only focuses on the first class citizens. If 5 people die in Nairobi,Rift valley or central, its most likely that you face the I.C.C. If dozens die in Isiolo, Samburu, Leisamis, Marsabit, Moyale and even North Eastern, no one cares.
IYAP is fighting against poverty, which will help the goverment in the realization of MDG 1 (Millennium Development Goal 1, to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger). We stocked Matendo Women's Group with 315 white goats whereby social services added 15 goats. The women then were empowered and gained confidence in life and even had a burgaining power in their marriage homes.
Then the number of goats increased to over 650 before being driven away by 26 armed bandits after killing the old man looking after them. It is now so embarassing that after the members followed up the matter and saw where the goats were,they only managed to recover 26 of them while 624 were still in the thin air.
The District Commissioner and the area chief promised the members that the goats will be returned soon. But it is now a month and the goats are yet to be recovered.
Who will help to bring justice to prevail for the shot old man, for MATENDO WOMEN GROUP,their children and for the 12 orphans who have been depending on those goats for milk and school fees? They are bleeding,hurting and confused. We are then affected too as this was one of our projects.
Our meeting ended prematurely after some of the women member shaded tears when the discussion was on and no head of local administration appeared.
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