Isiolo Youth against Aids and Poverty (IYAP) is a community based organization operating in the central division of Isiolo district, Kenya. It was established in 2001 as a youth group and registered in 2003 as community based organization.
Monday, December 21, 2009
IYAP has already done a survey and identified the issues to be tackled.
The month of December has been the tight month for us, the one special thing about this month was that since its inception for the first time we managed to Test and Counsel over five hundred and six(506) clients in the central vicinity of Isiolo district.
We actuall want to acknowledge Isiolo community for their great co-operation in easying penetration to our targets groups. Liverpool Vct Care and Treatment (LVCT) for the great financial and capacity support and for holding our spirit so high, Ministry Of Health (M.O.H) via District AIDS and STI Co-ordinator(DASCO) for the testing kits provision and other technical assistance. NACC , Amref Maanisha for keeping our school based activities running smoothly Not forgetting G.R.A.C.E africa whose hand has extended to orphaned children through our organization.
We wish all of our followers and friends a Merry X-mass and a happiest festive seaon.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
We then today organised some activities though we had No financial support for this we then visited some orphans and vulnarable in bringing out the sense towards reducing stigma and discrimination, building partnerships and ensuring external support strengthens community initiatives and motivations.
We also meet with some relegious leaders who can also of great meaning towards giving hope and care that relates to spiritual/soul of a person and facilitates its expression.
We then took the part of the day in giving information on importance of knowing HIV status and for those who got the prevelage and know their status and found to be positive were encouraged to engage themselves in income generating activities which can be supported by various agencies.
IYAP then suggested that Policies should be in place in favour of orphans and vulnarable children to access the educational bursary funds. We also made every one remember that we are all HIV positive until proven otherwise. We then took our mobile service to tha Prison camp and managed to test over 38 warders and family, tommorrow IYAP is again taking the service there targeting the inmates/prisoner believing that with the kenyan situation right now everyday is WORLD AIDS DAY!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
New Programme
Isiolo Youth against Aids and Poverty(IYAP) is now ready to launch a new programme for Orphaned children in the central division, the project will be known as IYAP Early Child Development.
This will be a learning centre for children below six(6) yrs of age who are orpans and living their care givers. The organization has already selected the qualified children to start a project, six teachers will be employed to the project 3will start while other three are currently under orientation.. The children will also be provided with school uniform,bags, books,desks,lunch and neccessary needs if be.
The local community appreciated GRACE AFRICA through IYAP for effecting the course. ''waambieni tumeshukuru sana, huu ni usaidizi mkubwa kwetu'' said one of the caregivers. Meaning, tell them we have appreciated alot this is a great relief to us.
The center will take of in early january 2010. Hope to be updating you on this too.the photo beside shows the care givers meeting to bless IYAP and GRACE AFRICA for their support.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Still around!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Seven miles south of ISIOLO town is where we set our target on seeing 200-250 tested client in three days, the process was facilitated by IDASCO (Isiolo District AIDS & STI’s Coordinator).
It was on Friday morning when we made our usual morning rounds before setting off for the long awaited day. Most of the time IYAP tends to be taking the service without doing prior mobilization believing that every day is world AIDS day and any time with or without prior mobilization people should be ready to sacrifice their precious 30 to 35minutes for what will determine their future life.
We therefore arrived at “maili saba” well packed and ready for the day’s session, we were suddenly surrounded by curious wananchi who wanted to know what we are having for them, at first many associated the tent pitching with the famous polio campaign the onlookers were busy relating the government van we were using with the said campaign.
Compliments to our mobilizers whom within a very short period managed to pitch all the tents while others set the public address system despite the falling of rain. We then introduced our self to the village elder and area Chief who promised to support the course in mobilizing the community, little by little the clients then started booking in the flow then increased to be larger number despite our late coming and a short notice, this one of the interesting places with its style, it’s amazing since the clients were arguing on whom will be tested fast, such things are mostly seen when conducting Moon light services.
By the time of closure we have already attended 68 clients .This was good for the day’s target that was set to at least hit 70 and above clients per day, the second day we came a bit earlier than previous day but managed to test 62 clients, third day was the climax day where we counseled and tested 79 clients, bearing in mind that there are some counselors/counselor who is left to man the standalone site which was also performing at its best.
-With good cooperation you can achieve a lot.
-time extension due to the most of the community members whom mostly works as farmers who are busy preparing for this rainy season.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thiz an ad-hock advantage and IYAP exactly knows how to utilize the opportunity.. Our few counselors and mobilizers arrived at the sight at 8:30 am and managed to erect all the tents and set the tents by 9:00am.
They didnt set tha public address system which are very powerful and may lead to disrupt the other ongoing proggramme, women groups, youths, and old guards were all there celebrating and chanting peace slogans.. In the proccess the mobilization team from IYAP did one to one mobilization. People started picking slowly gain confidence and after the test they also joined in mobilizing others. Thiz waz very encouraging since at tha end of the peace programme we set our public address system and people are still gathering along, dispite that we tested 42 new clients we also got an opportunity to give right and update information HIV and AIDS and collecting views from them.
All the 42 tested were negative this was very encouraging since we discussed on how to maintain that status and reffered for ongoing counseling. Bravo Bulla Bao village.
-most of the married women didnt want to be tested there since it may create suspicious from their husbands.
-condom uptake was very low.
-loud music an curious people peeping through the tent as the session procceeds.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
ISIOLO YOUTH AGAINST AIDS AND POVERTY In collaboration with the Kenyan Ministry of Health undertook the following activities:
• Taking counseling and testing services to three villages
• Community mobilization and sensitization.
Community mobilization;
The mobilization team visited the three villages to mobilize the locals to take advantage of mobile testing and counseling services which will be coming the following day to their village. This was done well and the outcome was satisfactory.
This was carried out by use of different strategy such as :-
• Community involvement to air their views, questions and concerns which arose from stage drama.
• One to one.
• Use of public address system.
The services of counseling and testing were taken to the different villages and the most important place was when we organized and took the service to the Administration police camp. This was done with the intention of targeting couples, here our timing wasn’t that successful since some minutes before our arrival the police were leaving the camp for an emergency duty caused by insecurity issue going on.
-In kambi juu we managed to test a convincing number of clients; this was so special since the women group that requested us to bring them the services tested 86%, while others promised to be tested later since they at that time claimed to be having an important duty to perform at home.
-At maendeleo and Total stage in town was so encouraging since the turn up was the highest number of clients realized after twice extending the mobile to moonlight service.
• Majority of those reached were testing for the first time.
• For the client tested positive referrals were made to access early management of HIV.
• Some clients promised to completely change their behavior after knowledge of their status for the first time.
• 5 out of 6 mobiles process was supported by other donor on this month beside Liverpool.
• The service demand is rising up.
• Poor mode of transportation during outreach.
• Tension in community due to insecurity reason.
• Long chain of command in some learning institution.
• Unpredictable rain that sometimes fall suddenly cutting short the activity.
Male counseled =314. Male tested =313(67%).
Female counseled =157. Female tested =157(33%).
Total clients counseled= 471. Total client Tested= 470(100%).
Total Client found positive =11. Total client tested negative=459.
Male tested positive = 4(0.85%).
Female tested positive =7(1.4%).
<25years =235 (49.8%).
>25years =236(50%)
Couples attended the service=13.
Discordant couples=0%
Clients given condoms= 46(9.7%), client referred =471(100%).
New clients=(100%).
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Since its inception IYAP has achieved alot, despite other challenges that went to an extent of threatening the organization and its programmes.
Some of the key challenges was first realised in the year 2003, three of our officials were arrested by police and spend two weeks in police custody charged with incitements,this was after mobilizing the local community in reclaiming back the public land namely "BARAZA PARK" swahili name meaning meeting bay.which was grabbed by the bigfish in town, for now the land has been given back to the community.
IYAP members have been working under the spirit of volunteerism for the good 7 and half years which made as vulnarable, after spending alot in training IYAP members were then poached away from us by other bigger organizations, this was abit confusing since as much as we wanted to count it blessing and strength to the organization, it also become an issue since they leave with all the capacity with them hence promotes some big gaps, other members travelled overseas in search of greener pastures.
The challenge never stop there IYAP has been Paying VCT rent for two years without donor funding using little cash got from hiring out public adress system during 2007 election campaign.
IYAP has extended its services to the nearest divisions, this was due to the request from the local community leaders residing there.
we then got an opportunity to perform an educative drama(play) touching on the issues affecting an AFRICAN youths, and young girls which moved her Excellency first lady LUCY KIBAKI,who in her speech ordered the area M.P and the District commisionner to provide us with a van to ease our activities and for the nobble course, which till today has been a beggers wish. eight and half now IYAP is still using donkeys and handcats as a means of transportation.. Which is not effective when focusing in best and fast services provision.
Monday, September 21, 2009
I think IYAP made great strides in reversing negative STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) indicators.
On the illicit businesses that were taking place in tha villages, they will soon be reduced, the area chief promised us.
During the past weeks the client turn up has been drastically rising,one of the influencing factors being great fear over condom safety. Most of the clients' fears are based on condoms, regardless of the type. This tells us how careful most people wants to be.
Up to now we have tested many but for more details you will need to check out our combined monthly summary report.
-clients have lost confidence in condoms.
-drug abuse and substance among the clients.
-heavy rain that cut our work short.
-weak tents unable to resist strong wind.
-using handcarts as means of transportation.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Bullet that Wounded IYAP's Project!
Isiolo being one of the places recently affected by violence is slowly sinking without getting any attention from the Government of Kenya.
IYAP recently conducted a peace meeting inclusive of women and youths. We believe these are the most directly affected group. There is alot of hatred caused by fighting over the resources among the communities living in isiolo. What goods are we inheriting from our parents? Completely nothing but hatred.
What is the perception of the community when all the killings and other impunities is taking place right at the big eyes of the goverment which according to the locals, it only focuses on the first class citizens. If 5 people die in Nairobi,Rift valley or central, its most likely that you face the I.C.C. If dozens die in Isiolo, Samburu, Leisamis, Marsabit, Moyale and even North Eastern, no one cares.
IYAP is fighting against poverty, which will help the goverment in the realization of MDG 1 (Millennium Development Goal 1, to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger). We stocked Matendo Women's Group with 315 white goats whereby social services added 15 goats. The women then were empowered and gained confidence in life and even had a burgaining power in their marriage homes.
Then the number of goats increased to over 650 before being driven away by 26 armed bandits after killing the old man looking after them. It is now so embarassing that after the members followed up the matter and saw where the goats were,they only managed to recover 26 of them while 624 were still in the thin air.
The District Commissioner and the area chief promised the members that the goats will be returned soon. But it is now a month and the goats are yet to be recovered.
Who will help to bring justice to prevail for the shot old man, for MATENDO WOMEN GROUP,their children and for the 12 orphans who have been depending on those goats for milk and school fees? They are bleeding,hurting and confused. We are then affected too as this was one of our projects.
Our meeting ended prematurely after some of the women member shaded tears when the discussion was on and no head of local administration appeared.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sitting on a time bomb?
The issue that took up most of our time was concerning condoms, specifically male condoms. It may be a nightmare when a person you most depend on at difficult times confidently stands and gives you information that may be right according to what he/she believes in, but later cost you a life.
This what is likely to happen if our Government agency, KEBS (Kenya Bureau of Standards) does not take extra care with the report that questions condom quality. It was at this meeting before the media release that we put a question mark over condom safety. It is the main prevention method being championed by our organization, but of late, there have been reports of burst and damaged condoms.
Our clients have good information on correct use of condom hence we can rule out storage and validity/expiration date as the cause of burst condoms. Condoms are an expensive product. We therefore challenge KEBS to give priority to this, to take charge and act, otherwise it may be too late for us all giving right information with wrong tools.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Summary report for august.
-Total client tested 407.
-male 250,
-female 157.
-Male positive 1,
-female positive 11.
-male negative 249,
-female negative 146.
-couples 7,
-Under 25yrs 148,
-Above 25yrs 259.
-New clients 407.
The major challenge faced by the mobile unit is transportation.
Friday, August 28, 2009
New Dawn
This was another new dawn for the members of the Muslim community when IYAP members decided to camp at the county council and forest junction. The point was to target the members from the Muslim community. At first as we were setting the tents it attracted most of the people around who confused the place with the ongoing population counting (census).
The mobilizers then took most of their time to welcome all to this crucial exercise while giving information on HIV basic facts. The client flow was good bearing in mind this was the first service of its kind at the area.
The prevalence rate of Muslim dominated areas has been known to be low, which may be caused by low VCT up take.
We enjoyed the day which we took as a learning process and an avenue to collect views and the community perception about this service. We therefore took an advantage to stratagise ourselves on the basis of collected information which will assist to go back in full swing.
-most of the community are fasting hence thought pricking (to draw blood for testing) will break their fast.
-most women were at home preparing for the family evening meals.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Mobile VCT at Millenium petrol station.
A counselor and a receptionist were then selected to remain behind for the standalone site to be functional while others will be leaving for mobile outreach.
PT (Panel Test) was then done by one counselor where the sample report was then sent to Nairobi by site in charge for the purpose of Quality Assurance.
We then proceeded to the identified site where the client flow was low despite the effort made by mobilization team in mobilizing the people around the surrounding area. Anyway we managed to test and counsel at most 24 clients despite our set target of 100 clients.
We all then went back to the office to conduct the closing rounds for the day and get an overview and members' experiences.
-performing counseling,testing and mobilization while fasting.
-Strong wind and dust.
-Poor means of transportation.
IYAP Kenya's New Website

Photo: Last week's mobile VCT clinics took place despite constant wind and dust.
Just a quick announcement: IYAP Kenya's new website is now online. Check it out for contact details, information about the work we do and background information on HIV/Aids in Isiolo.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Past Week in Isiolo
Friday, August 21, 2009
Welcome to IYAP's Blog!
Photo: Mobile voluntary and testing (VCT) centre in Isiolo town.
IYAP has 12 active members who run the programme of the organization voluntarily. We are working to prevent the spread of HIV/Aids and to alleviate poverty among the youth of Isiolo and society as a whole. We are working to develop a sustainable community free from HIV/Aids and poverty.
IYAP strives to be an outstanding organization in addressing the problems relating to HIV/Aids through prevention as well as care and support for people living with HIV/Aids. The organization engages in lobbying and advocacy, networking and resource mobilization so as to address the problems that contribute to high poverty incidence, while targeting the orphaned and vulnerable children, youth and women's groups. The organization has 5 trained counselors and is headed by site coordinator. The primary targets for IYAP’s interventions are youths (in and out of school), women, orphans, vulnerable groups and the community at large.
This blog will be about our day to day work and our plans for the future, along with news and photos of some of our activities.